Basic Custom Fitted Sports Mouthguard

Basic Custom Fitted Sports Mouthguard

Why risk serious and costly injury to your face and teeth by wearing an inferior, cheap mouthguard? At Odontologica, we will make you a custom fitted sports mouthguard in your choice of colours, clear or patterns. We’ve got a selection of standard and popular colours in stock and can access another 100 styles within just a few days.

These mouthguards are great for most general sports with a risk of dental injury. That can be things like football, netball, basketball, hockey, underwater hockey, water polo, lacrosse, vigoro, roller derby, and well, heaps more. In the last year, we’ve seen scooter accidents, mountain bikes and skateboards too.

So please, don’t risk it with a boil and bite mouthguard from a sports store or pharmacy – in many cases these just don’t do the job well enough. If you don’t believe me, here’s proof (warning, graphic image).

We’d love to see you. Please call today or book online to get protected.

P.S. HCF “More for Teeth” eligible members can get two mouthguards for $0 gap per year as part of their benefits. Yep. Included. Nice! That’s how important they view these for protecting your smile.

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